Robert Kaznica to Become Senior Estimator
Buffalo, NY – The New Year will bring more staffing changes at Eberl Iron Works, Inc. Robert P. Kaznica, Jr., will assume a new role as Senior Estimator for the 101-year-old company.
Buffalo, NY – The New Year will bring more staffing changes at Eberl Iron Works, Inc. Robert P. Kaznica, Jr., will assume a new role as Senior Estimator for the 101-year-old company.
BUFFALO, NY – Justin Carr was named Chief Operating Officer of Eberl Iron Works, Inc. He will assume his new role on January 2, 2025, following the retirement of Greg Jones, Operations Manager.
Eberl Iron Works has entered into a partnership with Visually Impaired Advancement of Western New York to empower and create employment opportunities for the visually impaired community.
Ellwood Volunteer Fire Company hosted their first annual “Ellwood Summer Bash” to raise funding to continue their mission: serving community
Eberl Iron Works employees gathered nearly 750 jars of PB&J to donate to FeedMore WNY, which added up to over 1,100lbs of food
Eberl Iron Work’s Community Outreach Committee worked with Journey’s End Refugee Services, during our Day of Giving. Several employees helped clean and furnish an apartment on Buffalo’s East Side for a refugee family.
Eberl Iron Works is proud to receive the Family Promise Corporate Pillar Award for our continued efforts to help the community grow with us.
Eberl Iron Works, Inc. celebrated a well deserved milestone as family, employees, friends, and special guests gathered to celebrate Eberl’s 100 Year Anniversary.
Eberl Iron Works, Inc. was recently chosen to receive a 2023 Safety Award of Honor from the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA).
EIW’s Community Outreach Community recently teamed up with a local community shelter and hosted a clothing drive to help those in need.